The 4th International Conference on Urban Studies 2017

Faculty of Humanities of Universitas Airlangga will hold its 4th International Conference. The main theme of the 2017 conference is “Transgressing (B)Order: Place, Space, Identity and Discourse”. This conference focuses in the impacts of urban mobility on issues surrounding borders.

Conference Date: Dec 8, 2017 – Dec 9, 2017

Conference Venue: Hotel Wyndham, Surabaya, Indonesia

Aim and Scope
Please join us at the 4th International Conference on Urban Studies. This year’s theme revolves around borders and mobility. As border issues continue to grow and discussions on the topic extend worldwide, our conference’s scope this year will focus on the definition of mobility and its effect on individuals, language, literature, safety and well-being, amongst other related issues. From Syrian refugees fleeing war zones to Indonesian citizens being removed from their homes, border issues and mobility affect us all. We aim for our conference to be a celebration of knowledge and idea sharing between researchers, educators, students, NGOs and representatives from the Indonesian Government. We hope the discussions at the conference will further extend dialogues to better understand issues related to borders and mobility at both local and global levels. We look forward to seeing you there.


Borders in global research
Borders in locality
Borders of identity movements
Borders in body, well-being and of being human
Borders in sexual politics and gender identity struggles
Borders in policymaking
Borders in arts:
Borders in media and communications technology
Borders in space and place
Borders in maritime security and issues
Borders in language, culture and multilingualism
Borders of history or (his/her) story
Borders in literature and culture
Borders in education

We welcome individual papers and we especially encourage proposals for panels on any one of these topics or the broader theme.

Visit official conference website