Continuing the Association of Written Language and Literacy’s (AWLL) tradition of international workshops devoted to writing systems, AWLL11 will gather together researchers from various countries and diverse research backgrounds. Its open theme aspires to foster beneficial exchanges between diachronic and synchronic perspectives to advance our understanding of how writing systems develop and actually function. Accordingly, especially welcome are contributions that address interesting research questions, such as (but not limited to) the following, which are tentatively aligned along the past-present-future continuum:
– How can historical studies contribute to our understanding of writing systems?
– How can we enhance our linguistic descriptions, or typologies, of writing systems?
– How can cross-linguistic studies elucidate key aspects of different writing systems?
– How can writing systems research inform psycholinguistic research in the areas of word recognition and reading, including the processes of literacy acquisition?
– How can we approach the construction of new writing systems for unwritten languages?
– How is digital technology influencing communication, printing and writing systems?
Expanding geographically on prior AWLL meetings (held within Europe in Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands, and United Kingdom), AWLL11 will be the first gathering to take place within Asia in Japan. To mark the occasion, AWLL11 will include a symposium session dedicated to the Asian writing systems of China, Japan and Korea.
Also slightly extending in time, AWLL11 will consist of 2.5 days of program (scheduled over the three workshop days), including invited talks, a symposium, a panel discussion session, and oral and poster presentation sessions (as well as AWLL’s business meeting).
Invited Speaker:
Florian Coulmas (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
(plus others, to be announced)
Local Organizers:
Terry Joyce (Tama University, Japan)
Chikako Fujita (Nanzan University, Japan)
Hisashi Masuda (Hiroshima Shudo University, Japan)
Program Committee:
Lynne Cahill (University of Sussex, UK)
Terry Joyce (Tama University, Japan)
Hisashi Masuda (Hiroshima Shudo University, Japan)
Martin Neef (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
Conference Date: 29-Aug-2017 – 31-Aug-201
Location: Nagoya, Japan
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