DAILY GRAMMAR (DG) 04-10-2018
1a. Peace will only founder in the absence of justice. (No)
Peace will only flounder in the absence of justice. (Yes)
1b. The ship of his financial life has begun to flounder because of politics. (No)
The ship of his financial life has begun to founder because of politics. (Yes)
(To “flounder” is to struggle to move or get one’s footing. To “founder” is to sink like a stone, to fail or collapse. As nouns, there is no confusion: a “flounder” is a type of fish and a “founder” is someone who establishes something, a school, a company, a business, etc.)
2a. Your little daughter has dissembled her new toy. (No)
Your little daughter has disassembled her new toy. (Yes)
2b. Cultists often disassemble innocence at home. (No)
Cultists often dissemble innocence at home. (Yes)
(To “disassemble” is to scatter or to take apart. To “dissemble” is to give false impression, conceal the truth or be dishonest by hiding one’s true self.)
3a. Anyone who flaunts the dress code on campus will be punished. (No)
Anuone who flouts the dress code on campus will be punished. (Yes)
3b. The actress says she has straight legs and she likes to flout them. (No)
The actress says she has straight legs and she likes to flaunt them. (Yes)
(To “flout” is to flagrantly ignore a regulation or law. To “flaunt” something is to show it off.)
Did You Know?
“Witzelsucht” is a rare neurological disorder whose sufferrers have that excessive tendency to tell pointless stories or inappropriate jokes and puns.
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