Daily Grammar – Week 12

DAILY GRAMMAR (DG) 22-05-2018

1a. There are less mangoes in the fridge. (No)

There are fewer mangoes in the fridge. (Yes)

1b. There is fewer sugar left in the bowl. (No)

There is less sugar left in the bowl. (Yes)

(“Fewer” is used to refer to items that can be counted individually; “less” is used to refer to commodities that cannot be counted individually.)

2a. I and Bola are friends. (No)

Bola and I are friends. (Yes)

2b. Don’t worry, myself will bring it. (No)

Don’t worry, I will bring it myself. (Yes)

(When reference is being made to yourself and someone else or others, the first person personal pronoun, “I”, comes last. Then, “myself” is used usually after “I” has been used in a sentence.)

3a. The matter is strictly between you and I. (No)

The matter is strictly between you and me. (Yes)

3b. Me will personally report you to our teacher. (No)

I will personally report you to the teacher. (Yes)

(While “I” functions as the subject of a sentence, “me” functions as the “object” or object of preposition. The same reason users won’t say “between you and he” won’t make them say “between you and I”.)

Did You Know?

To “groke” is to stare at somebody who is eating in the hope that the person will give you some of his food. Though originally applied to dogs, it refers to people as well.

How do you react when you see a groking child?