When I learnt that Nigeria signed a nuclear deal about two weeks ago with Russia to build power plants to the tune of $80 billion, my heart dropped from the top to the bottom of my stomach with a thud. ...

My first real encounter with Prof. Tekena N. Tamuno was in 1998 through an article written by the highly cerebral Professor of Virology, Tam David West, for “This Day” newspaper. In the article, “On winning war and winning peace”, published ...

Since the past 10 weeks during which elections were approaching and conducted, I have been examining the concept of leadership based on a morphological approach of taking each letter as a distinctive quality. Today, leaders have emerged across the country ...

On January 23, 2015, this column featured the story of the pregnant deer with a happy ending. In the article, “2015: The pregnant deer parable”, I contested the apocalyptic prediction of the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prof. Bolaji Akinyemi, ...

Everyone is truly angry with the South Africans on their xenophobic attacks on fellow Africans. While many governments and people condemned in unequivocal terms the unsavory development, others evacuated their citizens or relocated their loved ones to keep them from ...

In less than 24 hours, the much-anticipated D-Day will come and Nigerians will have a choice to make between two Titans, the incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan of the Peoples Democratic Party and the opposition presidential hopeful, General Muhammadu Buhari of ...

This Tuesday, the world marked a whole year since the abduction of the 219 Chibok girls from their school dormitory by the terrorist Boko Haram group. It was the fateful night of April 14, 2014 that our collective psyche was ...

The keenly-contested last presidential election has come and gone but the thrills and frills of it would continue to endure for some time to come. Chief among them was the creative propensity and imaginative fecundity of Nigerians, which made the ...

One of the characteristics of Dr Goodluck Jonathan’s presidency is its sheer predictability. As a prominent citizen of this country once told me, one could correctly guess or predict its moves, a quality that is not exactly exacting. The pattern ...

The novella, “Akin goes to school”, by Christie Ajayi and Michael Crowder, was well read by Nigerian pupils in the 70’s and 80’s. A staple book of a sort in those days, it is about the story of a young ...

If there is anything that sustains a leader and makes followers, without any inducement, to stand by him, integrity is it! If there is a core requirement that followers want to see in their leaders, integrity is it! If hard ...

The eighth letter of the word leadership is “H” and it stands for honesty. Honesty is the quality of being truthful, sincere and upright in speech and action; it is a major means through which one can inspire and motivate ...