DAILY GRAMMAR (DG) 27-09-2018

DAILY GRAMMAR (DG) 27-09-2018

1a. The forward to the book I just read is written by Wole Soyinka. (No)

The foreword to the book I just read is written by Wole Soyinka. (Yes)

1b. Let us move foreword and avoid distractions. (No)

Let us move forward and avoid distractions. (Yes)

(“Foreword” is a noun referring to a short introductory note in a published work, usually written by someone other than the author. “Forward” is an adjective/adverb with meanings related to the direction ahead.)

2a. The Olawales said they would be with us in awhile. (No)

The Olawales said they would be with us in a while. (Yes)

2b. Tolu reads a while on weekends and rest. (No)

Tolu reads awhile on weekends and rest. (Yes)

(“Awhile” is an adverb that means “for a short time” while “a while” means “a short time.” This means that when “while” is used as the object of a preposition, “a” is separated.)

3a. The manuscripts of our late grandfather are kept in a cash. (No)

The manuscripts of our late grandfather are kept in a cache. (Yes)

3b. You may transfer the money electronically if you don’t have a cache. (No)

You may transfer the money electronically if you don’t have cash. (Yes)

(“Cache” is a safe place where supplies or treasures are stored or anything hidden in such a place. “Cash” refers to money – coins, bill, currency, etc.)

Did You Know?

The phrase “devil’s advocate” comes from the Roman Catholic Church. When deciding if someone should be made a saint, a devil’s advocate is appointed to give an alternative view.