Daily Grammar – Week 10

DAILY GRAMMAR (DG) 06-05-2018

1. He can now recite the university anthem off head. (No)

He can now recite the university anthem off hand. (Yes)

(When something is learnt by heart or memorised, it can be said or recited “off hand”, not “off head”.)

2. The man told you at the onset that he would travel today. (No)

The man told you at the outset that he would travel today. (Yes)

(The beginning of something generally is its “outset”. “Onset” only refers to the beginning of something unpleasant. For example, “Nigerians should fear the onset of war.” )

3a. My friend need a car that he can afford. (No)

My friend needs a car that he can afford. (Yes)

3b. The boy needs study hard this semester. (No)

The boy need study hard this semester. (Yes)

(“Need” as a verb is both lexical and modal auxiliary. As a main or lexical verb, it is inflected in number and tense, i.e., with “s” and “ed”. But if it is used as a modal auxiliary verb, it behaves like other modal auxiliary verbs like “can”, “shall”, “must:, etc., hence, it does not attract “s” or “ed”.)

Did You Know?

The deliberate use of old-fashioned language in modern writing is called “gadzookery”.