DAILY GRAMMAR (DG) 08-03-2018
- It is nice to see you again! You are welcomed. (No)
It is nice to see you again! You are welcome. (Yes)
(“Welcome” is both an adjective and a verb. In the example above, it functions an adjective. However, in “we all heartily welcome(d) the Chairman to the meeting”, it is a verb.)
- I invite you to our workshop on crises management. (No)
I invite you to our workshop on crisis management. (Yes)
(When a noun is used to qualify another noun, the form of the qualifier is usually singular. For example, “Student Affairs”, “money matters”, “Student Union”, “conflict resolution”, etc.)
- Some teachers cannot speak English language correctly. (No)
Some teachers cannot speak English correctly. (Yes)
Some teachers cannot speak the English language correctly. (Yes)
(The first correct expression is so because it is clear that English is a language. Where “language” is to be added in this context, “the” definite article is mandatory.)
Did You Know?
The English word, “alphabet”, is made up of two Greek words, which are the first two letters of the Greek alphabet: “alpha” and “beta”.
Hope I can share this daily grammar on my facebook and whatsapp pages?
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