The AHDA fellowship allows participants to come to spend the fall semester of the academic year at Columbia University in New York City. This comprehensive program provides fellows with the opportunity to hone practical skills in fundraising, advocacy and leadership; to ...

 Calling students and young professionals! Applications are now open for the Breakthrough Generation Fellowship 2018. Breakthrough Institute is a global research center seeking technological solutions to environmental problems. Every summer from June to August, Generation offers a small number of paid, ...

Want to grow as a journalist while absorbing a universe of green knowledge? Apply for the Grist Fellowship Program. The Grist Fellowship Program is an opportunity to hone your skills at a national news outlet and deepen your understanding of ...

The Kokugakuin University now wishes to invite applicants for its Visiting Research Fellowship. This an academic exchange program, people involved in research into Japanese culture and society are invited from overseas to engage in international academic exchange. The aim of ...

The International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) is delighted to offer its African Great Lakes Reporting Fellowship for Affiliated or freelance women journalists. The aim of the fellowship is to support affiliated or freelance women journalists and covers Fellowship-related costs within ...

Applications are now open for the Spring 2018 Westerwelle Young Founders Programme. This is a fully funded year-long programme for 25 exceptional entrepreneurs from developing and emerging economies. As part of the programme, the Westerwelle Foundation hosts an annual conference ...

Applications are open for the World Journalist Fellowship 2018. This Fellowship provides support to international journalists to enroll in one of the graduate programs in journalism at the NYU’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. Graduate study at the Arthur L. Carter ...

The ODI Fellowship Scheme is now open for applications. ODI’s prestigious Fellowship Scheme gives postgraduate economists and statisticians the chance to work in developing country public sectors as local civil servants on two-year contracts. The Scheme has two objectives: to ...

Launched in 2005, the Draper Hills Summer Fellowship on Democracy and Development Program (DHSFDD) is a three-week academic training program that is hosted annually at Stanford University’s Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law. The program brings together a group of ...

Inaugurated in 2013, the post-doctoral fellowship program is awarded to a promising and exceptional scholar for one academic year. The sixth fellowship is to start in August 2018. Funded by the Goethe-Institut, the Goethe-Institut Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Haus der Kunst ...

Nurturing and maintaining strong relations with the academic community is a top priority at Google. The Google Africa PhD Fellowship Program has been created to support and recognize outstanding students pursuing or looking to pursue PhD level studies in computer science and ...

In the interest of enhancing transatlantic exchange and collaboration, the West African Research Association, with funding from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US State Department, offers Residencies for WARA member institutions to host a West African Scholar on ...