Daily Grammar – Week 20

DAILY GRAMMAR (DG) 18-08-2018

1a. The vermin on the prisoner’s body makes him look horrible. (No)

The vermin on the prisoner’s body make him look horrible. (Yes)

1b. The helpless requires compassion from the powerful. (No)

The helpless require compassion from the powerful. (Yes)

(“Vermin” is an unmarked plural noun. Besides, when a noun denotes a category of people, it is used with a plural verb.)

2a. The principal and myself are good friends. (No)

The principal and I, myself, are good friends. (Yes)

The principal and I are good friends. (Yes)

2b. I mistakenly hit me with a stick. (No)

I mistakenly hit myself with a stick. (Yes)

2c. Herself can play football like any of those boys. (No)

She can play football like any those boys. (Yes)

She, herself, can play football like any those boys. (Yes)

(A reflexive pronoun cannot be a subject of a sentence. It may emphasise a subject and be an object of a verb or subject complement.)

3a. It is a priviledge to address you this morning on the assigned topic. (No)

It is a privilege to address you this morning on the assigned topic. (Yes)

3b. The old man is dyeing, please help him. (No)

The old man is dying, please help him. (Yes)

3c. Since you have recieved payment, why are you decieving us? (No)

Since you have received payment, why are you deceiving us? (Yes)

3d. Some people cannot pronunce ‘pronounciation’ correctly. (No)

Some people cannot pronounce ‘pronunciation’ correctly. (Yes)

(Words should be spelt correctly. “Dyeing” is the progressive form of “dye” and “dying” is the progressive form of “die”.)

Did You Know?

The word “goodbye” is a contraction of “God be with ye”.