Daily Grammar – Week 3

DAILY GRAMMAR (DG) 21-03-2018

1. I have three advices for you. (No)

I have three pieces of advice for you. (Yes)

(“Advice” is an uncountable noun. However, when it means “formal notification” especially in a formal business context, it may be pluralised. For example, “the company received an advice/ two advices from its foreign partners.”)

2. The principal was angry at the lazy teacher. (No)

The principal is angry with the lazy teacher. (Yes)

(You are “angry with” a person; you are “angry at” a thing or phenomenon. For example, “the principal is angry at the teacher’s laziness”; “Mr Adeolu was angry at his child’s performance”.)

3. The woman always comes to the office lately. (No)

The woman always comes to the office late. (Yes)

(“Lately” means “recently” and it doesn’t have anything to do with punctuality. For example, “I have not been to the zoo lately”; “I have not seen you lately”.)

Did You Know?

The most common adjective in the English language is “good” while the most common noun is “time”.