Daily Grammar – Week 3

DAILY GRAMMAR (DG) 16-03-2018

1. Kindly borrow me your book. (No)

Kindly lend me your book. (Yes)

(To “lend” is to give and to “borrow” is to receive. It would be correct in the example above to also say, “Please, may I borrow your book?” or “I want to borrow your book”. In other words, the giver lends while the receiver borrows.)

2. I like that student because he has a good manner. (No)

I like that student because he has good manners. (Yes)

(“Manners” appears usually in the plural form and attracts a plural verb. Other examples here include “remains”, “thanks”, “wages”, “regards”, etc. For example, remains are buried; thanks are given/expressed; wages are paid; and regards are given/accepted.)

3. Speak louder, I am not hearing you. (No)

Speak louder, I can’t hear you. (Yes)

(Stative verbs like “see”, “believe”, “love”, “hate”, “understand”, “suppose”, “mean”, “like”, “want”, etc. are usually used in the simple present form. *”I am seeing it”, *”I am hearing you”, *”I am understanding you”, *”I have been wanting to see you”, etc. are earthshaking grammatical howlers.)

Did You Know?

A pangram sentence is the one that contains every letter in a language. For example, “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is an English pangram.