CALL FOR PAPERS – International Conference on Arts, Fashion, Philosophy and Islamic Studies (AFPIS-2017)

International Conference on Arts, Fashion, Philosophy and Islamic Studies

The idea of International Conference on Arts, Fashion, Philosophy and Islamic Studies (AFPIS-2017) scheduled on Oct. 18-19, 2017 Dubai (UAEis for the researchers, scientists, scholars, engineers and parctitioners from all around the world to present and share ongoing research activities. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.

AFPIS-2017 is sponsored by Dignified Researchers Publication (DiRPUB).

All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. One Best Presentation Award from each session will also be distributed at the time of the conference

All accepted papers of AFPIS-2017 will be published in the printed conference proceedings with valid International ISBN number. Each Paper will be assigned unique Digital Object Identifier(DOI) from CROSSREF and the Proceedings of the Conference will be archived in DiRPUB’s Digital Library. The Proceeding will be also submitted to SCOPUS/ISI Thomson for review. In addition the proceedings will be indexed at all major search engines.

English is the official language of the conference. We welcome paper submissions. Prospective authors are invited to submit full (and original research) papers (which is NOT submitted or published or under consideration anywhere in other conferences/journal) in electronic (DOC or PDF) format alongwith the contact information.


2. Electronic Submission System ( .doc/.docx/.pdf formats)

Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full text papers including results, tables, figures and references. Full text papers (.docx, .doc, .pdf) will be accepted  by Electronic Submission System. Any question,  please contact:


Early Conference Registration Fees on or Before Aug. 17, 2017

Deadline of the Full Paper/Abstract Submission Aug. 01, 2017
Acceptance Notification  Aug. 10, 2017
Deadline of the Registration Aug. 17, 2017
Conference Dates Oct. 18-19, 2017


Holiday Inn Dubai – Downtown Dubai
Al Rigga Street, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Phone: 0124 455 1 260 (Reservations) 971-4-2288889
(Front Desk)


The following are the links to the DiRPUB copyright form as well as the DiRPUB conference’s/Journal’s template for the Camera ready Paper/Final paper:

There are NO specific instructions for poster preparation. Just prepare and print the poster in Portrait style of size A1 or below and make sure to put more Pictures/Diagrams/Graphs to depict the results so that poster should look vivid and gets everybody’s attention.

Just prepare the one-page electronic format just as that of the conference template attached and print that on the any size in A1

Download Official Call Paper / Leaflet

Conference Website