Call for articles: ESP Professional Magazine

ESP Professional is the only magazine to focus on English for Specific Purposes for especially ESP teachers and professionals. Written by and for ESP practitioners, we specialise in providing practical and timely support to our colleagues.  We especially value the sharing of experience;  what works in the classroom, new trends, practical tips and general knowledge sharing.

Submit your  ESP teaching experiences, good or bad, to us. Our first issue will be completed with you.

ESP Professional has now been officially registered with ISSN 2515-513X. Now we are fully ready for the future!   All contributors will receive ESP Professional free of charge to the address they provided.


  • to share different teaching approaches, methods and new techniques you used in the classroom for ESP field.
  • to exchange ideas in ESP field.
  • to share new resources for ESP.
  • to establish a strong network among ESP teachers from all over the world.

We suggest articles be at any length. It can be short or long. Bur for suggestion, 3 pages (around 2,000 words) with font 10, Times New Roman. Your article can contain pictures, diagrams and tables.
There is no publication fee.
All articles will be peer reviewed by the editorial board.

Make your submission via