Call for Applications for International Climate Protection Fellowships

Prospective leaders from transition and developing countries can now apply to the International Climate Protection Fellowship programme. Applications may be submitted until 1 March 2018.

Up to 20 young climate experts from non-European transition or developing countries who already have initial professional and leadership experience in this field will be funded in the next round. Applicants focus on issues relating to the scientific, engineering, legal, economic, health-related or social aspects of climate change.

Together with a host, they will work in Germany for a year on a research-based project of their own choice in the field of climate protection. The fellowships, which are funded under the International Climate Protection Initiative by the Federal Environment Ministry, will begin on 1 March 2019.

From plant ecology to urban development

A total of 20 fellows ‒ nine women and eleven men ‒ were chosen in September during this year’s selection phase. These individuals will commence their research stay in Germany next March.

The new round of fellowships will bring together experts from a wide range of fields including business administration, social sciences, hydrogeology, plant ecology, urban development and energy engineering. In addition to conducting research individually, the group will visit German businesses and research institutions that are active in the climate protection field. The young scientists come from Africa, Asia and Latin America.

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